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The Inspiring Story of Travis Iverson: Empowering the Wheelchair Community

The Inspiring Story of Travis Iverson: Empowering the Wheelchair Community

In a world where challenges often loom large, there are individuals who shine bright, showing us the power of resilience and compassion. Travis Iverson is one of those remarkable people. Through his brand, Iver Fashion, he's not just making clothes – he's making a difference for wheelchair users everywhere. Despite facing quadriplegia for over twenty years, Travis has stayed strong, breaking down barriers and spreading positivity wherever he goes.

In this article, we'll dive into Travis's incredible journey, from the creation of Iver Fashion to his ongoing fight for independence. Join us as we uncover the story of Travis Iverson – a story of resilience, compassion, and the power of community.
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Travis' Life Before the Accident

During his teenage years, Travis Iverson was a natural athlete, known for his love of running and prowess as a competitive baseball pitcher. Alongside his athletic achievements, he thrived as a popular business student at Algonquin College.

Travis was into fashion, like any other guy his age. ''Like most people, the way I dressed was part of my identity.  I loved looking good. Looking good always made me feel good,'' he said.

Life-Changing Moment in the Heart of Summer

In July 2003, at just 21 years old, Travis made a decision that totally changed his life. It was a rainy day, and instead of going to some huge summer event with volleyball and concerts, he and his friends decided to go at one of their cottages near Maniwaki. But unfortunately, that decision ended up being a turning point in his life.

They were hanging out by the lake, and Travis, feeling adventurous, decided to dive off the dock into the water. But here's the thing: the water level was way lower than usual that year. So when Travis jumped, he hit the bottom quickly and realized he couldn't move. He knew he was paralyzed immediately.

After being transported to the hospital, the early prognosis was not good. X-rays showed he had suffered a complete break in his vertebrae. He was paralysed from the neck down and doctors believed the damage to his spinal cord was likely permanent.

The Journey to Understanding His Life After the Accident

After spending over a month in the ICU, Travis finally got off the ventilator. But then came the real challenge: rehab. He spent the next nine months at the Ottawa Rehab Center, learning how to live life in a whole new way. There, he undergoes daily physiotherapy and occupational therapy, which is helping toward his recovery. "My biceps have becoming a lot stronger than before and I have some finger movement in both hands," he said. But we all know there is nothing like home.

Travis couldn't have gotten through it without his awesome family and friends. His mom, a single parent, was always there for him. And after his accident, some incredible people in the community stepped up and helped the family. Michael Power, a local leader, and Heather Lillico rallied support to renovate Travis's house to make it wheelchair accessible. It was a huge effort, but they did it, thanks to the generosity of so many.

How Iver Fashion is Born

''One day, post injury, while getting ready for my friend’s birthday party, I was excited to wear a new outfit I had recently purchased. Sadly, I quickly discovered it didn’t fit,'' Travis said.

The clothing lines that he cherished pre-injury could no longer be worn. The cuts were wrong, the seams were in bad locations for the seated body, buttons and zippers were poorly placed, and so much more. He was so angry and frustrated that there weren’t more options for adaptive fashion. It was then that he decided to start Iver Fashion.

With some serious determination, Travis worked hard to turn his idea into reality. He teamed up with some folks at Algonquin College, and his plan won a competition. From there, it was all about making it happen.

Iver Fashion - Fits from Chair - Adaptive Fashion Line

Since then, Travis has been all about making fashion more accessible and helping others like him. He's not just a fashion designer and entrepreneur now, but also a voice for change in the disability community.

He is also working on some patent to fulfill the needs people in wheelchair are facing. From socks with heating or cooling sensors, compression, monitor swelling to cleats to keep the feet in place during car ride or bumpy sidewalks.

You sure can understand creating these smart tech innovations need funding. Travis is looking for angel investors, like he likes to name them. If you are interested in helping don't hesitate to contact him.

All proceeds from the sale of their "Cardinal Never Give Up" lapel pins go towards outfitting selected members of the wheelchair user's community completely FREE!

📷 Sean Sisk Photography

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Supporting Travis's journey. It Starts with Proper Care.

Join us in rallying behind a true hero. Despite grappling with the daily challenges of quadriplegia for over two decades, Travis has selflessly devoted himself to uplifting the Wheelchair User's Community through his bespoke clothing creations, often extending his services free of charge.

Yet, behind the scenes of his altruistic efforts lies a heartbreaking reality: while Travis tirelessly extends his support to others, he finds himself in desperate need of our assistance. Struggling to make ends meet on a fixed income in an under-supported shared-care situation, Travis faces unfathomable decisions daily, such as choosing between basic necessities like meals or showers. The care staff, burdened by overwhelming workloads and inadequate support, often find themselves unable to provide both.

The very individual who has given so much to enrich the lives of others now requires our unwavering support.

Together, let's stand in solidarity and demonstrate to Travis the same compassion and generosity he has exhibited towards countless others. By extending a helping hand, we can ensure Travis receives the care and assistance he so urgently needs, enabling him to continue his invaluable work within the Wheelchair User's Community. Your contribution transcends mere financial assistance; it serves as a lifeline for Travis and a powerful testament to the profound impact of kindness.

Join us today in supporting Travis Iverson and his unwavering mission to effect meaningful change in the lives of others.